These code repositories are provided as a means of portfolio demonstrating my work. You will find brief descriptions below of the projects. Please contact me directly if you would like to review the actual code (read-only access). Links are provided below but all projects are marked private on GitHub; therefore, won’t be generally accessible without first contacting me.
An Augmented Reality (Mixed Reality) project for Microsoft HoloLens. Created as POC for Lakeview Academy’s Space Simulator Lakeview | Lion’s Gate Space Center (
UAEYC website
A Content Management System (CMS) built from scratch in PHP for Utah Association for the Education of Young Children (UAEYC). Has an administrative portal for configuring site behavior and content. Built with low-bandwidth access in mind due to client’s user demographics.
(Ruby) Cucumber, gherkin test suites
Test suites written in cucumber and gherkin using Capybara and selenium webdriver. This suite of tests exercises a webapp published on Microsoft IIS.