books I have found interesting, some I am reading and will share progress and comments

[selfhelp] mindset The new psychology of success. Carol S. Dweck.

[selfhelp] The Art of Possibility. Rosamund Stone Zander. Benjamin Zander.

[programming] Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 hours. Ronald R. Plew. Ryan K. Stephens.

[Theory] A Thousand Brains A new theory on Intelligence. Jeff Hawkins.

[TDD] Test Driven. Practical TDD and Acceptance TDD for Java Developers. Lasse Koskela.

[leadership] Agile Project Management for Dummies. Mark C. Layton.

[programming] Microservices Patterns. Chris Richardson.

[programming] Learn Microservices ASP.NET Core and Docker. Arnaud Weil.

[programming] The RSpec Book behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends. David Chelimsky et al.

[math] Number Theory. George E. Andrews.

[selfhelp] Six-week start-up. Rhonda abrams.